The Patriots Schedule

The Patriots Schedule

Saturday 30 November 2013


Now, you may probably notice that I may not feel about the government the way we were told to or suppose to feel about them. The way we were ordered and instructed by the oppositions to feel about the government.

Well, my mind doesn't work that way. I got this real moron thing I do, it's called 'THINKING'. And I am not very good at choosing sides because I like to form my own opinions. I don't just roll over when I am told to.

Sad to say that some Malaysians just roll over on command, but not me. I have certain rules I abide. I don't believe whatever the opposition nor the government tells me. I don't take very seriously the media or the press in this country. I don't listen to them. I do a lot of my own research so that one day I can teach my kids the truth about the life they are going to face.

Now, I would like to talk about things that will bring us together. Things that point out our similarities instead of our differences, because that's all we ever hear about in this country -- differences!

The media and the politicians, especially the oppositions, that's all they ever talk about. The oppositions are the ones always raising the issue. The things that separates us. Things that makes us different from one another. That's the way the ruling class operates in any society. They try to divide the rest of the people. Keep the lower and middle-classes fighting against each other so they, the rich, can run away with all the money. Fairly simple thing, happens to work for both the oppositions and the government.

You know, anything different... that's what they gonna talk about! Race, religion, ethnic and national background. Jobs, income, education, social status and sexuality. Anything that they can do to keep us fighting with each other. Anything that could keep them going to the bank and bringing the government down.

But there's a reason why all this is happening. There's a reason why the opposition's manifesto to conquer everything and make them cheap and free is seek by many. It's also going to give us a reason to why water, roads and education is going to SUCK when it's free like in the US and UK. That's the same reason when we choose that path, it can never ever be fixed.

By then, it's never gonna get any better. We will be just like Greece where they put their children out on the streets because they just can't afford to provide them anymore. Don't look for it, but for now, just be happy and grateful with what you have.

-Master Freddy-

[General Issues]



We've heard of atoms, the basic building blocks of ordinary matter. Atoms can join together to form molecules, which in turn form most of the objects around you. But have you heard of a Neutrino? Neutrinos are one of the fundamental particles which make up the universe.

They are also one of the least understood. Neutrinos are similar to the more familiar electron, with one crucial difference:

1. Neutrinos do not carry electric charge. Because neutrinos are electrically neutral, they are not affected by the electromagnetic forces which act on electrons.

2. Neutrinos are affected only by a "weak" sub-atomic force of much shorter range than electromagnetism, and are therefore able to pass through great distances in matter without being affected by it.

3. If neutrinos have mass, they also interact gravitationally with other massive particles, but gravity is by far the weakest of the four known forces.

4. The 4 known forces are gravity, electromagnetic, the strong force, and the weak force.

5. Three types of neutrinos are known; there is strong evidence that no additional neutrinos exist. Each type of neutrino is related to a charged particle (which gives the corresponding neutrino its name).

6. The "electron neutrino" is associated with the electron, and two other neutrinos are associated with heavier versions of the electron called the muon and the tau (elementary particles are frequently labelled with Greek letters, to confuse the layman).

7. Traveling a distance of 454 miles, the ghostly subatomic particles neutrinos still appear to be traveling faster than the speed of light.

8. The trip would take a beam of light 2.4 milliseconds to complete, but after running the experiment for three years and timing the arrival of 15,000 neutrinos, the scientists discovered that the particles arrived at Gran Sasso sixty billionths of a second earlier, with an error margin of plus or minus 10 billionths of a second.

9. The result is so unlikely that even the research team is being cautious with its interpretation.

10. Some researches believe it is some sort of spirit or God, which you can measure but you cannot touch or feel. It's a whole new universe out there filled with neutrinos. Neutrinos are mysterious particles.

They have a minuscule mass, no electric charge, and pass through almost any material as though it was not there.

11. Subir Sarkar, head of particle theory at Oxford University, said: "If this is proved to be true it would be a massive, massive event. It is something nobody was expecting."

12. "The constancy of the speed of light essentially underpins our understanding of space and time and causality, which is the fact that cause comes before effect."

13. One theory Kostelecky and his colleagues put forward in 1985 predicted that neutrinos could travel faster than the speed of light by interacting with an unknown field that lurks in the vacuum. Scary stuff? I think it's awesome. So much we can achieve in the future if Neutrinos are true!

As a Muslim, I believe that it is Allah showing His true powers in the size of tiny particles called Neutrinos.

-Master Freddy-

[Science and Tech]



A group of students were asked to list what they thought were the present "Seven Wonders of the World."

Though there were some disagreements, the following received the most votes:

1. Egypt's Great Pyramids
2. Taj Mahal
3. Grand Canyon
4. Panama Canal
5. Empire State Building
6. St. Peter's Basilica
7. China's Great Wall

While gathering the votes, the teacher noted that one student had not finished her paper yet. So she asked the girl if she was having trouble with her list. The girl replied, "Yes, a little. I couldn't quite make up my mind because there were so many."

The teacher said, "Well, tell us what you have, and maybe we can help." The girl hesitated, then read, "I think the 'Seven Wonders of the World' are:

1. to see
2. to hear
3. to touch
4. to taste
5. to feel
6. to laugh
7. and to love."
The room was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop.

These are free gifts from Allah (SWT) we overlook as simple and ordinary and that we take for granted.

If you wake up each day and have all these then you have all the wonders of the world.

If wealth is the secret to happiness, then the Rich should be dancing on the streets. But only Poor Kids do that.

If power ensures security, then top Officials should walk unguarded.
But people who live on roadside feel more secure.

If beauty brings ideal relationships,
then celebrities should have the best marriages.
But they have one of the worst relationships.

That's why...
Live simply...
Walk humbly
Love genuinely!!!
Every extra day given to us by Allah is a reminder of how close we are to the grave.

Lets use each of these gifts to say Alhamdulillah and glorify Allah May Allah give us the heart that appreciate His mercy on us. For non Muslims you may have your own way to appreciate the gift from God. stick to that. Smile and live happily.

Thank you

-Radin Danial-

[General Issues]


Kita jangan jadi seperti pengguna tandas awam yang tidak bertanggungjawab.

Bayar 20 sen di kaunter sebelum masuk ke dalam tandas. Masuk pula ke kamar kecil dan melepaskan hajat lalu meninggalkan hasil buangan begitu sahaja tanpa membasuhnya.

Tiba-tiba ada orang tegur ; "Kenapa tak flush?". Jawab orang itu ; "Itu bukan masalah aku,Cleaner-lah bersihkan, aku bayar 20 sen ok!"

Itulah manusia yang kurang akhlaknya. Apa dia ingat dengan membayar 20 sen itu adalah untuk upah pekerja pembersihan membasuh najisnya? Ada juga orang yang bayar 20 sen, tetapi membasuh dan meninggalkan tandas yang digunakan tadi dengan begitu bersih. Oleh itu, bayaran 20 sen itu untuk apa?

Inilah yang menjadi masalah sebuah negara. Apabila sudah ramai yang menganggap apa yang dibayar itu perlu mendatangkan pulangan semula kepada mereka. Kerana itulah kita sering mendengar orang berkata ; "Aku pun bayar cukai."

Setiap cukai yang dikutip daripada rakyat disebut WANG RAKYAT. Walaupun ianya wang rakyat tetapi di mana-mana negara mempunyai satu organisasi yang bertanggungjawab untuk MENGURUSKAN wang rakyat tersebut yang dipanggil sebagai KERAJAAN.

Menguruskan perbelanjaan negara bukan mudah. Ianya meliputi banyak aspek dan kadang kala wang yang dikutip daripada pembayar cukai tidaklah sampai kembali kepada si pembayar cukai tadi. Orang miskin tergolong dalam kalangan yang tidak perlu membayar cukai, jika diambil daripada formula asal kita tadi (Aku bayar cukai, maka aku lebih layak dapat bantuan kerajaan) maka orang miskin/memerlukan TIDAK LAYAK menerima bantuan kerana tidak membayar cukai. Adakah begitu?

Seorang ADUN DAP di Selangor mempertikaikan Kerajaan Pusat di Dewan Negeri Selangor dengan mengatakan bahawa negeri Selangor adalah negeri pembayar cukai terbanyak kepada Kerajaan Pusat, maka negeri Selangor-lah perlu diberi paling banyak peruntukan berbanding Sabah dan Sarawak. Adakah Adun ini juga tergolong dalam golongan bayar 20 sen tetapi tak nak basuh najis tadi?

Negeri Sabah dan Sarawak adalah negeri yang besar. Keluasan negeri Sarawak sahaja sudah hampir sama dengan keluasan semenanjung Malaysia. Maka kedua-dua negeri ini perlu diberi peruntukan yang lebih besar untuk menyediakan kemudahan asas seperti jalan raya, air, elektrik dan sistem pengangkutan bagi memudahkan rakyat di sana hidup dalam keadaan yang lebih baik.

Mudah-mudahan kedua-dua negeri ini akan meningkatkan hasil kutipan cukai kepada Kerajaan Pusat apabila taraf ekonomi semakin baik disebabkan infrastuktur yang disediakan oleh kerajaan. Jika kata Adun DAP tadi menjadi ukuran, maka jalan raya di Selangor perlu diturap setiap hari (sebab bayar cukai banyak) dan membiarkan negeri lain papa kedana sebab bayar cukai yang sedikit berbanding Selangor.

Inilah cara kerajaan menguruskan hasil negara. Mengagihkan kepada yang memerlukan dan menyelenggara apa yang dah ada. Jika ada ketirisan, itu kerja individu yang bermasalah, bukan masalah dasar. Pokok pangkalnya kita harus tahu bagaimana hasil negara diagih-agihkan dan menginsafi prinsip keadilan (meletakkan sesuatu pada tempatnya) dan bukannya "aku bayar aku dapat".

Itu cerita orang yang bayar cukai, bagaimana pula dengan orang yang tak bayar cukai pun tapi macam dia-lah paling banyak bayar cukai. Ibaratnya, sudahlah masuk tandas awam tak bayar, ditinggalkan najis tanpa dibasuh lepas tu arah cleaner suruh basuhkan. INI ORANG GILA.

Setiap rakyat mesti bertanggungjawab. Seperti pengguna tandas awam yang bagus, sudahlah bayar 20 sen, pembersih pula tu. Mereka bertanggungjawab dengan urusan mereka sendiri. Walaupun membayar cukai, tetapi kita masih bertanggungjawab untuk menjaga nama baik negara dan menyumbang kepada pembangunan negara.

Oh ya! Ke mana perginya 20 sen yang kita bayar sebelum masuk tandas awam tadi? Jawabnya bil air siapa yang nak bayar? Gaji pekerja pembersihan tadi siapa yang nak bayar? Itulah jawapannya.

Samalah juga gaji kakitangan awam, mereka dibayar gaji menggunakan wang rakyat. Wang rakyat bukan nak guna untuk APA YANG DIANGAN-ANGANKAN SAHAJA!

Dalam dunia ini bukan semuanya PERCUMA.

-Jamal Rafaie-

[Current Affairs]

Friday 29 November 2013


Mungkin ramai generasi muda hari ini kurang mengetahui bagaimana perjuangan nasionalis di kalangan orang Melayu di zaman pra merdeka bermula.

Percayakah anda ia bermula dari persatuan sahabat pena (seperti berfacebook sekarang), kemudian ia berkembang membentuk persatuan-persatuan Melayu di negeri-negeri di dalam Malaya ketika itu. Kemudian sekumpulan penulis yang berpusat di Maktab Perguruan Tanjung Malim menggerakkan usaha hingga membentuk Angkatan Sasterawan 50, yang menghasilkan karya penulisan dan meniupkan semangat nasionalis dikalangan rakyat. Antara nama-nama besar yang terlibat ketika itu antaranya A.Samad Ismail, Ishak Hj Muhamad, Syed Sheikh Al Hadi dan ramai lagi .

Berasal dari persatuan sahabat pena terbentuklah persatuan-persatuan Melayu di negeri-negeri antaranya :

Kesatuan Melayu Singapura (1926)
Peneraju: Muhamad Eunos Abdullah, Tengku Abdul Kadir, Bumbuk Suluh.

Persatuan Melayu Pulau Pinang (1927).

Persatuan sahabat pena Malaya (1934)

Persatuan Melayu Miri (1936)

Persatuan Melayu Perak (1937)

Persatuan Melayu Selangor (1938)

Persatuan Melayu N.Sembilan (1938)

Persatuan Melayu Pahang (1938)

Akhirnya persatuan-persatuan Melayu ini bermesyuarat di istana Johor dan terbentuklah Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu (UMNO), yang diterajui oleh Dato Onn Jaafar ketika itu.

Penubuhan The Patriots mengingatkan saya kepada apa yang berlaku di zaman silam ketika itu. Mungkinkah The Patriots akan menjadi peneraju kebangkitan minda generasi muda hari ini? Sama-sama kita nantikan.

Gambar: salah satu mesyuarat Persatuan Melayu Pulau Pinang yang diadakan di Bukit Mertajam Pulau Pinang pada tahun 1930an.

Mohd Salleh Mazhuki

[Chronicles of Malaysia]


To every man, women & child we want an end to the glamorization of negativity in the media | We want an end to status symbols dictating our worth as individuals | We want a meaningful and universal education system | We want substance in the place of popularity | We will not compromise who we are to be accepted by the crowd | We want the invisible walls that separate by wealth, race & class to be torn down | We want to think our own thoughts | We will be responsible for our environment | We want clarity & truth from our elected officials or they should move aside | We want love not lies | We want and end to all wars foreign & domestic violence | We want an end to the processed culture of exploitation, over-consumption & waste | We want knowledge, understanding & peace | We will not lose because we are not losers, we are lasers | Lasers are the opposite of losers | Lasers are shining beams of light that burn through the darkness of ignorance | Lasers shed light on injustice and inequality | Losers stand by and let things happen | Lasers act and shape their own destinies | Lasers find meaning and direction in the mysteries all around them | Lasers stand for love and compassion | Lasers stand for peace | Lasers stand for progression | Lasers are revolutionary | Lasers are the future.

-Lupe Fiasco

[General Issue]


I was being questioned by a friend of mine in our quick conversation couple of minutes ago. The question has been playing in my mind for quite a while.

Youth, especially Malays around me of my age, usually came up to me with this sentence in our conversations and started asking;

“Why get an education when you could be successful from rags to riches just by getting involved in business or an entrepreneurship activity. You see this person, he studied until PMR only, yet he managed to be a millionaire”,
I heard this and what not, alot of times on a daily basis.

Well indeed, that’s what most people and youth usually thought of.
However, based on my perspective, the root of everything successful is always branched from the most basic of all; education.

Yes, some people are lucky, some non- moslems could get a jackpot, and be a millionaire in the blink of an eye. Whereas some just started a business a few months ago, and get numerous wealthy income.

But luck isn’t always by our side. We couldn’t just rely on luck.
Luck couldn’t always be by each individual’s side. Not all individuals involved in business, or anything are successful, and will be successful. This is why education is essential.

God will only help those who strive for themselves. Thus we are the one who are in charged to play the role in our life, by securing our future and goals by having a good education.

For instance, A PHD-level businessman, and a PMR-level businessman, there’s a fine line between both individuals.

To distinguish between both businessmen, the PHD-level businessman would probably has sufficient knowledge by education. For instance, in accounting, or business. He could easily uses his knowledge to be implemented to the future of the business for greater good.This would causes less errors in his final product of the business, in the long run. Education, skill and experience play great roles to establish a good business. This businessman could also uses his skills and experiences to enhance his business quality.

In contrary to the PMR-level businessman, he could only uses his skills and experience. Here, we definately could see that the lack of education becomes a cons to the business in which he’s involved.

Basically, we aren’t stereotyping individuals of different education levels here, but we are actually, looking in depth towards the importance of education in our daily lives and for our future.

I have once watched a documentation by National Geographic; in which, in the city of Bangkok, in the heart of Thailand, lies a Bor-Bua wet market.

This documentation emphasizes on a 15 year- old girl, a 9th grader student, selling food and lotteries in the wet market in her daily basis, yet her father stresses her to never discountinue her study in school and finishes school, no matter how hard their living gets.

This is contrary to most poor individuals in Malaysia, where the parents actually taken their children's education forgranted. They don't see, the importance of education in the long run.

The girl could easily changes the status of her family to a better state, by getting a good education, and that could be done by finishing school, and graduating.
If otherwise, she would not be able to help her family, and she will be selling food and lotteries till her last breath, and the poverty cycle goes on as she has a family of her own in the future.

If these poverty-stricken individuals could think further about the importance of education in the long run, why couldn’t we?


Indeed, we need to change the mindset of our people, by emphasizing to them, why, education is a MUST to everybody, from all walks of life, no matter what field we are going to choose for studying, or which path we are choosing for a job.

Despite how much money or wealth a person is making, money and wealth will deplete. But a good and useful education would never deplete. It even helps to generate money and wealth.

I would want to see more successful Malaysians, especially my race, Malays, to be in better financial state of life. I crave to see more successful Malays all around me. I would love to see less working class Malays surrounding me.

It isn't that hard. It isn't just a dream, or a hope to see my race being successful. There's a solution to each problem, and it is truly by, education. Let's stand tall, my dearest Malay and the whole Malaysians.

“Tuntutlah ilmu hingga ke liang lahad”. Education is prominent. Education is infinitive. Never ending, let's apply it, for greater good. Let's say our du'ah for a better future of our race, our nation. Insha Allah.

Radin Danial

[Youth Issues]


1. Sadly, the Malays of this beloved country underestimate the power of 'Unity'.

2. We have been blinded and greatly divided due to extreme influence of unecessary politcal issues that have drifted us apart from our strength and will soon cost us our rights in this country.

3. If we still choose to ignore the truth of this statement, in the near future, our children are bound to lose the opportunity to reap the current benifits and will suffer from our own ignorance.

4. The Malays however are the majority and yet we are losing out because most of us misuse our status as a Bumi and take things for granted.

5. We were given the privilege to a lot of things that could easily make us a succesful leader in our country as well as our own homes. We are given easy access to schools and universities, homes, loans, financial plans and jobs and still we fall behind our own expectations.

6. It's normal for a person to dream big, but it takes endless efforts to achieve that dream and become really succesful. Then again, it is easier said than done or else everyone can be really succesful.

7. For many years Tun Dr. Mahathir have accomplished many of his goals successfully, but yet he admitted that he failed to change and improve the minds of the Malays in the country. He claims that 'Melayu Mudah Lupa'.

8. But the problem here is not the race (Melayu) but the 'Culture'. We are so comfortable with the way things are that we lack certain skills to improve our status and become really ignorant on the real issue that's causing the break-up between millions of the Malays in the country.

9. This break-up will only make things worse for the Malays in Malaysia and not other races because if we can't unite as a nation, then we will someday lose our rights as a Malay (Hak Melayu Bumiputera) in this country. Getting into good schools and better jobs will suddenly become competitive.

10. When we fall, others will rise and those who rise will set new laws, boundaries,and manifesto. And it takes years for everyone to adapt and get comfortable. The only government body that can or may protect the rights of Melayu Islam Bumiputera (if they want to) is BN, PAS & PKR.

11. We cannot help the fact that the Malays are divided by these 3 while other parties are getting full support from their members and supporters. We are too busy pointing fingers fighting rather than promising opportunities to the people.

12. Potential leaders of other countries share their views and ability to improve during the General Election but it's a shame how it is done here. We try our very best to mock the opposition and bring them down. Discussing and blurting out one's weaknesses and telling everyone how hopeless he is.We are more focused on the problem rather than the solution. Bersih is also the reason that the people are increasingly against one another politically.

13. This could cost us our rights in the country and when it really happens, do not complain. Eventually, we are the cause of our own action and we blew our chance to prove to everyone that we could protect one another.

14. Today, no doubt that the Malay community are improving and many have become successful business owners, leaders, and successfully being the man of the house and same goes for the non-Malays. The only problem is the culture we inherit. We only speak of ourselves and not for others.

15. So, it proves that anyone, especially a Malay can become successful evenwithout being too dependent on the benifits from the government. But the current government protects Malay Rights in this country and we should not neglect this.

16. Whatever the results from the next General Election may be, whatever party that takes up the responsibility and promises to protect the people, make sure that the rights of the Malay community is still preserved.

17. We should change our mindset, try to think like a Non-Malay who has no accessto the benifits of a Bumi. We should strife our way up to protect our religion, race,and not forgetting our family. Only then we can protect our country and help others.

18. It's sad to see that Malays have some sort of a rivalry and jelousy towards other Malays who are succesful. What's more terrifying is that some will go beyond to destroy their own kind.

19. I predict that the GE will come around some time next year and it is still not too late for us to really decide on the thing that matters to us most and how we can come up with something that could benifit the next government and vice versa.

20. Share and propose how we can benifit from one another. Extend our hands to help the less fortunate. For all you know, they could be our next successful leader just like the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

21. Don't get too extreme with politics and mocking one another of their weaknesses .Learn to fix problems, improve the less and correct the wrong. Don't waste time complaining and appreciate what we have. Decide or vote wisely and ensure that the safety of the people are protected and unite as a nation of overwhelming success.

22. I love my country and my family. And I will go beyond to ensure the safety and happiness of my loved ones. My rights in Malaysia have somehow ease my battles towards success and being a Malay doesn't take that much effort to achieve my goals.

23. I am thankful to have such wonderful friends and families who are always supportive and always on the same page. We are blessed to be Malaysians.

Master Freddy

[General Issues]


Penulis ingin membawa pembaca kepada beberapa situasi, selepas itu tanya kepada diri sendiri apa yang kalian rasai.

Melangkah ke dalam kenderaan awam,semua berasak-asak mencari tempat duduk. Setelah selesa mendapat tempat,terlihat seorang mak cik tua memasuki bas atau keretapi. Berapa lama kita mengambil masa untuk berfikir untuk memberikan tempat duduk kita kepada orang yang lebih memerlukan?

`Baik sangat ke aku ni?`


`Nasiblah mak cik tu. Ini dunia sekarang. Siapa cepat dia dapat. `

Perkara kecil yang sering dipandang ringan oleh hampir semua orang. Terutama golongan muda! Golongan yang akan menjadi bakal-bakal bapa,ibu, professional ,ahli masyarakat dan yang paling penting berperanan untuk menguruskan negara pada masa akan datang.
Ramai rakyat Malaysia yang `malu memperbetulkan perkara yang biasa dan membiasakan perkara yang betul`.

Bertempatkah rasa malu ini?

Jika semua pembaca penulisan ini berubah selepas ini. Sebelum keluar rumah, meletakkan satu niat dalam diri. Aku mahu menjadi seorang yang bertindak secara betul,pada keadaan dan waktu yang betul.

Menyentuh tentang adab dan kesopanan pastinya tiada sempadan agama. Kita ada perasaan kemanusiaan untuk melakukan semua ini.Maka jangan hilangkan nilai kemanusiaan yang ada dalam diri kita sebaliknya terus menerus suburkannya.

Ayuh remaja, usah lagi malu tidak bertempat! Saya akhiri penulisan ini dengan satu kata-kata yang mungkin boleh menjadi teguran buat kita.

What is stupid? Knowing the truth, seeing the truth , but still believing the lies.

And I believe you are not stupid!

Hanim Norlaila

[General Issues]


The weapons they are using against you are in your very homes entertaining you and your children, gradually indoctrinating you without you even realizing. In today's society people are spending more and more time engaging in modern media -- televisions, cinema, computer games, the internet, popular fiction or popular music are integral part of our lives. Yet these providers vast expands on information that you are taking consciously or subconsciously into your mind. Information on society ranging from ideals and morals and the difference between right or wrong to the ways societies and the economists should be structured is passed before you every single day.

The media provides a significant role in the basis to determining an individual's view of the world and everything that exists. Thus, any one group who are in control of this information based on this media will in fact have the power to indoctrinate the entire populous of the world to their way of thinking and it is these facts that they are exploiting. They are using the industry in particular to condition people to their way of thinking either openly or subliminally.

The methods they use vary, but the goal is the same, to impose their beliefs, their ideology and objectives in you in such a way that you begin to think of them as such of your own.

The proof of this is very easy to find. All you have to do is research who owns and runs the media of the world. You'll find it is the same type of minority that runs and survives in secret societies. They own and run the music, media movie, entertainment and porn industry for the sole purpose of indoctrinating you through MIND CONTROL!

Do you think it's just a coincidence that this group of people own all the media? Not all, especially when you realise that their survival depends on you being brainwashed and indoctrinated.

Can a free-thinking and well structured society be ruled by tyrants? Obviously not, so other than indoctrinating you with ideas and views, they have carried out a well devised sinister and satanic plan to spread corruption among society. Because a corrupted society which becomes lost is one which can be easily ruled. Why? Because ONE WHO STANDS FOR NOTHING, WILL FALL FROM ANYTHING.

How else will you accept their New World Order, their so-called Modern Democracy proposed by politicians? We are all victims of their evil conditioning.

Master Freddy

[Mystery, Mystics and Conspiracy Theories]


Did you know that light bulbs can actually transmit data? Yes, we are already moving towards the future of transmitting data just by using a light bulb. What if every light bulb in the world could also transmit data? A device that could do exactly that. By flickering the light from a single LED, a change too quick for the human eye to detect, we can transmit far more data than a cellular tower -- and do it in a way that's more efficient, secure and widespread. Let me elaborate a little on that:

1. Today, we have 1.4 million cellular radio towers deployed worldwide.

2. We have more than 5 billion mobile devices, smartphones, tablets etc.

3. With these devices we transmit more than 600 Terabytes of data every month.

4. Capacity: the way we transmit wireless data using electromagnetic waves, in particular radio waves. Radio waves a limited and expensive and we only have a certain range of it.

5. Efficiency: These 1.4 million cellular radio base stations consume a lot of energy. Most of the energy is not used for transmitting radio waves but rather to cool the base stations / towers. And the efficiency of such base station is only about 5% and that creates a big problem.

6. Availability: Limitations to the availability where you might have to switch off your phone on flight, hospitals, for security issues.

7. Security: Radio waves can penetrate through walls. Somebody else in the other room or building can make use your network if he has bad intentions.

8. Do you realise that we have 14 billion of these light bulbs? And light is a part of electromagnetic spectrum.

9. Electromagnetic spectrum consist of Gamma Rays, X-rays, Ultraviolet, Infrared, Radiowaves, and Visible rays (which is also known as light).

10. When compare the frequency of radiowaves to the visible light spectrum, we get 10,000 times more of that spectrum, which is there for us to use.

11. 1.4 million of expensive and inefficient cellular radio towers multiply by the 10,000 times more of that spectrum, you will end up with 14 billion. 14 billion are the number of light bulbs installed already. Means we already have the infrastructure for transmitting data or communications using just light bulbs.

12. How? We need to replace these inefficient incondecent flourescent light bulbs or any other light bulbs with LED.

13. LEDs are semiconductor electronic device. It has a very nice property and its intensity can be modulated at high-speed.

14. For example, a remote control for your TV has an iinfrared LED that transmits low-speed data stream in 10,000 bps. If we replace the single LED of a remote control to an LED light bulb, we can transmit thousands of data streams parallel, and even at higher speed. This technology is called Subcarrier-Index Modulation (SIM) OFDM.

15. Yes, you do need the light to be on all the time to transmit data, but you can always dim the light to lower the transmission of data and have full control over it.

16. This is also known as Data Through Illumination. This technology of data transmitting comes for free. Highly energy efficient. A light doesn't penetrate through walls. In this case, if you have the light and the receiver in your room, no one outside will have access to your network since they don't get the light from your room and there is only data when there is light.

17. For me, the applications for it are beyond imagination for the moment but where there is light, there is potential to transmit data.

18. All we need to do is fit a microchip to every potential illumination device.

19. The symbiosis of this, I believe, could solve the 4 essential problems (capacity, efficiency, availability and security) of today's wireless communications.

20. In the future, we might have 14 billion LiFi's (no longer WiFi) deployed worldwide for cleaner, greener, and even a brighter future.

Master Freddy

[Science and Technology]



When I watched the documentary it brought tears to my eyes. What's really happening in Syria is in this 30 minute video. I call upon Allah, the master of the universe to save Islam from the aggressors and open the eyes of the
world and show them the truth from the falsehood of men.

I weep over Syria, the beloved,With the eyes of a struggling, oppressed one.And I melt in its squares,Between mosques and houses.

O' Lord, save its people,And protect the entrances and exits.And preserve the Muslim lands,On their rights and on their lefts.

They are oppressed, so who do they haveBesides you, O' Lord, during calamities?They hold fast to their religion,And their blood is the perfume of graves.

They raised the palms and supplicated,At times of adversities and calamities.O' my Lord, guard their honor,And their persons from every murderer.

They stood honorably as human shields,Without guns or bombs.Their children's eyes slept (through death)While the unjust deviants' fire awoke.

Their killer shall not live,As his fingers (that he uses to kill) shall not last him.And upon him shall fall, as destruction,The tears of bereaved mothers and widows.

To Allah, my Lord, is the compliant,The Lord of the later and earlier generations.And Allah is above the aggressor;Above the sharp prongs and chains.

And tomorrow, there will be for my ummahA palace in the sky, decorated by lighted torches.And tomorrow, when the truth inevitably rises,Every falsehood shall perish.

Please find time to share this with your friends on Facebook. It's time that the Muslims of the world to join hands for a greater and peaceful world of Islam.

Watch the 30min video documentary here:

-Master Freddy-

[Muslims Today]


Cyberattacks are a modern warfare. It is an online internet attack that could disrupt real-life situations. Some people have called it cyberwar which to me is more of a 'spy operation'. Just like the last issue in 2010 of China & USA, againts the company Google. And just recently more and more, nations are waging attacks with cyber weapons -- silent strikes on another country's computer systems that leave behind no trace.

It so happens that these weapons are dangerous. They're of a new nature. They could lead the world into a digital conflict that could turn into an armed struggle. These virtual weapons could also destroy the physical world. A good example would be the incident of Soviet Siberia in 1982 where a pipeline exploded with a burst of 3 kilotons, which is the equivalent of a forth of the Hiroshima bomb. And today, revealed by Thomas Reed, Ronald Reagan's former U.S Airforce Secretary that the explosion was the result of a CIA sabotage operation, in which they have managed to infiltrate the IT management systems of that pipeline.

More recently, the U.S Government revealed that in September 2008, more than 3 million people in the state of Espirito Santo, Brazil was plunged into darkness, victims of a blackmail operation from cyber pirates. Once in 2008, the IT systems of CENTCOM, USA, the central command managing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, may have been infiltrated by hackers just by using a plain but infected USB keys. With theses keys, they may have been able to get into CENTCOM's systems to see and hear everything. Same goes with the recent incident with hackers hacking into phones and personal laptops and computers and releasing confidential information to the public.

So, to understand why all this is happening, we must look at how through the ages, millitary technologies have maintained or destroyed world peace. Military technologies can influence the course of the world, can make or break world peace -- and there lies the issues of cyber weapons. Let me lay out a few issues related to this matter:

Issue 1: Imagine a potential enemy announcing they're building a cyberwar unit, but only for their country's defense. But what distinguishes it from an offensive unit? It gets even more complicated when the doctrines of use becomes more ambiguous. Just years ago, USA & France were investing military in cyberspace, strictly to defend their IT systems. But today, both countries say the best defense is to attack. You see how it all went? And so, they are joining China whose doctrine of use for 15 years has been both defensive and offensive.

Issue 2: Your country could be under cyberattack with entire region plundges into total darkness, and you may not even know who's attacking you.Cyber weapons have this peculiar feature: they can be used without leaving traces. This gives a tremendous advantage to the attacker, because the defender doesn't know who to fight back againts. And if the defender retaliates againts the wrong adversary, they risk making one more enemy and eneded up diplomatically isolated.

Cyber weapons do not replace conventional or nuclear weapons. They just add a new layer to the existing system of terror. But in doing so they also add their own risk of trigerring a conflict -- as I've mentioned, a very important risk and a risk we may have to confront with a collective security sollution which includes all of us: NATO Members, European Allies, American allies, our other western allies, and maybe by forcing their hand a little, our Russian and Chinese partners. It is true. Cyber weapon can completely destroy world peace.

Master Freddy

[General Issues]


Memetik dari ucapan Y.Bhg Perdana Menteri kita

"Jika anda tidak membayar cukai, anda adalah pengkianat negara sebenarnya"

Mari kita perhalusi ucapan beliau, apa yang hendak disampaikan ialah untuk menggalakkan rakyat untuk membayar cukai agar pelan pelan kerajaan dapat dijalankan menggunakan duit tersebut

tidak dinafikan sumber kewangan kerajaan bukan sahaja dari pembayaran cukai, sumber kewangan juga datang kerajaan tempatan iaitu:

1. Hasil yang dikutip oleh Perbandaran yang ditubuhkan di bawah Ordinan

2. Hasil daripada Majlis-majlis Bandaran, majlis tempatan dan Pihak
Berkuasa Tempatan

3. Terimaan-terimaan mengenai bekalan air

4. Sewa-sewa harta negeri

5. Faedah ke atas baki wang negeri

6. Hasil jualan tanah dan harta negeri

Segala hasil atau wang yang didapatkan atau diterima dengan apa cara pun oleh Persekutuan atau sesuatu negeri yang dimasukkan ke dalam Kumpulan Wang Disatukan

i- Kumpulan Wang Disatukan (Persekutuan)
ii- Kumpulan Wang Disatukan (Negeri)

dan ini menjadi sumber kewangan terhadap sesuatu kerajaan.

Kita bayangkan kerajaan itu sebagai satu syarikat, cukai itu adalah saham, rakyat adalah pemegang saham dan menteri merupakan CEO yang bertanggungjawab menguruskan saham-saham terbabit.

Seharusnya CEO yang bertanggungjawab dalam menguruskan perbelanjaan dengan cermat agar syarikat yang dibawa boleh maju. tetapi apa yang berlaku ialah CEO tersebut boros dan pemegang saham ditekankan agar memberikan lagi saham baru.

Rasanya tiada rakyat Malaysia merupakan pengkianat negara kerana anda telah membayar cukai melalui pelbagai cara. Makanan, kereta, barangan dan sebagainya (anda boleh tambah) tetapi apa yang perlu di tegur ialah para pemimpin kini yang menghabiskan wang negara demi kepentingan diri.

Para menteri haruslah bijak bukan sahaja menguturkata tetapi bijak dalam membuat segala keputusan.

Majulah Rakyat Untuk Negara.

Radin Danial

[Economy and Business]


One of may favourites...

And Shaitân (Satan) will say when the matter has been decided: "Verily, Allâh promised you a promise of truth. And I too promised you, but I betrayed you. I had no authority over you except that I called you, so you responded to me. So blame me not, but blame yourselves. I cannot help you, nor can you help me. I deny your former act in associating me (Satan) as a partner with Allâh (by obeying me in the life of the world). Verily, there is a painful torment for the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers)." (22)

Surah Ibrahim Verse 22

Dan berkatalah pula Syaitan setelah selesai perkara itu: Sesungguhnya Allah telah menjanjikan kamu dengan janji yang benar dan aku telah menjanjikan kamu lalu aku mungkiri janjiku itu kepada kamu dan tiadalah bagiku sebarang alasan dan kuasa mempengaruhi kamu selain daripada aku telah mengajak kamu lalu kamu terburu-buru menurut ajakanku itu; maka janganlah kamu salahkan daku tetapi salahkan diri kamu sendiri. Aku tidak dapat menyelamatkan kamu dan kamu juga tidak dapat menyelamatkan daku. Sesungguhnya dari dahulu lagi aku telah kufur ingkarkan (perintah Tuhan) yang kamu sekutukan daku denganNya. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang zalim (yang meletakkan sesuatu pada bukan tempatnya) beroleh azab yang tidak terperi sakitnya. (22)

Surah Ibrahim Ayat 22

Master Freddy

[All About Islam]

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