The Patriots Schedule

The Patriots Schedule

Sunday 29 December 2013



Now, you may probably notice that I may not feel about the government the way we were told to or suppose to feel about them. The way we were ordered and instructed by the oppositions to feel about the government.

Well, my mind doesn't work that way. I got this real moron thing I do, it's called 'THINKING'. And I am not very good at choosing sides because I like to form my own opinions. I don't just roll over when I am told to.

Sad to say that some Malaysians just roll over on command, but not me. I have certain rules I abide. I don't believe whatever the opposition nor the government tells me. I don't take very seriously the media or the press in this country. I don't listen to them. I do a lot of my own research so that one day I can teach my kids the truth about the life they are going to face.

Now, I would like to talk about things that will bring us together. Things that point out our similarities instead of our differences, because that's all we ever hear about in this country -- differences!

The media and the politicians, especially the oppositions, that's all they ever talk about. The oppositions are the ones always raising the issue. The things that separates us. Things that makes us different from one another. That's the way the ruling class operates in any society. They try to divide the rest of the people. Keep the lower and middle-classes fighting against each other so they, the rich, can run away with all the money. Fairly simple thing, happens to work for both the oppositions and the government.

You know, anything different... that's what they gonna talk about! Race, religion, ethnic and national background. Jobs, income, education, social status and sexuality. Anything that they can do to keep us fighting with each other. Anything that could keep them going to the bank and bringing the government down.

But there's a reason why all this is happening. There's a reason why the opposition's manifesto to conquer everything and make them cheap and free is seek by many. It's also going to give us a reason to why water, roads and education is going to SUCK when it's free like in the US and UK. That's the same reason when we choose that path, it can never ever be fixed.

By then, it's never gonna get any better. We will be just like Greece where they put their children out on the streets because they just can't afford to provide them anymore. Don't look for it, but for now, just be happy and grateful with what you have.

-Master Freddy-


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