The Patriots Schedule

The Patriots Schedule

Tuesday 14 January 2014


1. I've been looking that nowdays we are living on the racist world.

2. Malay said the chinese was racist, chinese said the malay was racist, and indian said that they are being ignored.

3. They said that the government practice the colonizm. All the tender was going to malay and chinese didnt get the opportunity to win the tender.

4. Even so, they have seeing the top 10 richest person in Malaysia was Malay. The chinese didnt get opportunities to be rich.

5. The leader that said this get the people heart. They are the one who get the most attention.

6. This idea of racist was build just to get the power that they need.

7. Even so, i think that we are the one who create this racist system.

8. Basicly Chinese will be sent to the chinese school and private university and it goes the same to the other races. Being separated

9. They growing up without knowing the truth. The kindness of each other and cultural that will make them close to each other.

10. We are being separated from young age and we been call racist.

11. Yes we are racist, racist because we didnt know each other. We live in the same country but live in different world.

12. I hope that we never be saparated again. Let we live in harmony without saying each other racist.

-Radin Danial-

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